John Gillan's professional journey began with an eight year tour in the US Air Force
as a photo journalist specializing in editorial reportage and the 4 x 5 portrait. In this
capacity Gillan was selected to photograph many dignitaries, among them;
Presidents Nixon and Carter, and Queen Elizabeth.
After his service, and subsequent marriage to Theresa, his wife of nearly 30 years,
Gillan opened a state of the art studio/darkroom in South Florida. Here his career
flourished as his work became more and more in demand. His assignments for the
hospitality industry where image counts, lured the A-List; The Four seasons, Ritz
Carlton, The Biltmore and Marriott Corp., to name a few. Other clients of renown include Anheuser Busch, Motorola,
Miami International and Fort Lauderdale Airports plus an impressive list of architects and interior designers.
Gillan follows a time honored tradition of excellence for "the sake of the photographic art" as instilled in him by his mentor,
the world acclaimed Lucien Clergue. Working with monsieur Clergue, Gillan produced exhibitions, lectures and workshops.
John Gillan's work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Florida Design and Florida Architecture.
His works are displayed in museums, galleries as well as being the prized possessions of many private and corporate collections.